Live Online Classes

Gentle Strength

Bones, Muscles and Balance

Mon-Wed-Fri, Dec-March
Mon-Wed, April-Nov

7:10-7:45 am Eastern Time

Taught by Terry Tresco and Tammy Kaleel

seniors happy to be doing movment for health

Terry is a fountain of knowledge and experience, and her explanation and cues are excellent. I look forward to continuing with Gentle Strength classes.

Tammy's inviting presence and thoughtful, concise cueing have supported my exploration of strengthening my body as well as a more embodied state of awareness and integration.

Gentle Strength Membership

  • Unlimited participation in live stream Gentle Strength classes offered livestream two or three times a week 
  • Unlimited use of the Gentle Strength section of the Video Library
  • Big savings at $25 per month versus $10 per class drop-in rate

Neither yoga nor strength-training experience required.

Begin from where you are; improvement is possible at any age and any stage. Experience movements that build muscle mass and stimulate an increase in bone density from supported standing positions or seated in a chair. No weights or bands are required for these classes; accessories sometimes used are things you can find in your home:  a bathrobe belt/old necktie/yoga strap, sturdy chair, a pair of thick socks (each sock balled up), a couple of upside-down sturdy plastic bins (or low footstool or yoga blocks), and a dish towel/hand towel

January 2025–Physical Function for Independence through Yoga Asana–New Year's Revolution

Newcomers and beginners to yoga are welcome to start anytime.

Our theme for January brings together various aspects of Physical Function for independence and applies it to Yoga Asana. We’ll explore the muscles and joints involved in each of several key postures, dive into the experience of each pose, and incorporate counter poses to maintain balance, and also allow for restoration.

Some classes will follow the “3X10” format. This means 10 actions, repeated 3 times. This structure allows us to:

  1. Learn the actions in the first round.
  2. Perfect the movements in the second round.
  3. Notice the effects of repetition in the third round, paying attention to how your muscles “remember” the actions.

Our practices are designed to be accessible, even for those new to yoga, but also offer options to challenge more experienced practitioners. So, feel free to invite your friends and family to join us—there’s a place for everyone!

The following props will enhance your experience in Gentle Strength this month. Not everything will be used in every class. Getting these items together in advance will save time. If you have any questions feel free to contact us

  • Strength and 3X10 classes:  various sizes of hand weights or bags of uncooked rice or beans and a yoga strap or dish towel.
  • Asana and Recovery Classes:  a chair, wall access, 2 yoga blocks, a strap, blanket and cushions or pillows (firm if available)

Jan 2–3X10 format featuring Tree Pose (Vrikshasana) with Terry
Jan 3–Focus on Strength featuring Tree Pose (Vrikshasana) with Terry
Jan 6–Tree Pose (Vrikshasana) with Tammy
Jan 8–Focus on Recovery featuring Tree Pose (Vrikshasana) with Terry
Jan 10–3×10 format featuring Chair Pose (Utkatasana) with Terry
Jan 13–Focus on Strength featuring Chair Pose (Utkatasana) with Tammy
Jan 15–Chair Pose (Utkatasana) with Terry
Jan 17–Focus on Recovery featuring Chair Pose (Utkatasana) with Terry
Jan 20–3X10 format featuring Triangle (Trikonasana) with Tammy
Jan 22–Focus on Strength featuring Triangle (Trikonasana) with Terry
Jan 24–Triangle (Trikonasana) with Terry
Jan 27–Focus on Recovery featuring Triangle (Trikonasana) with Tammy
Jan 29–3X10 format featuring Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) with Terry
Jan 31–Focus on Strength featuring Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) with Terry

Neither yoga nor strength-training experience required.

Begin from where you are; improvement is possible at any age and any stage. Experience movements that build muscle mass and stimulate an increase in bone density from supported standing positions or seated in a chair. No weights or bands are required for these classes; accessories sometimes used are things you can find in your home:  a bathrobe belt/old necktie/yoga strap, sturdy chair, a pair of thick socks (each sock balled up), a couple of upside-down sturdy plastic bins (or low footstool or yoga blocks), and a dish towel/hand towel

February 2025–Physical Function and Yoga Asana–
Opening the Heart

Newcomers and beginners to yoga are welcome to start anytime.

We will be continuing a four-part exploration of individual Asanas through the lens of physical function. 

Our focus for February this year is on heart-opening and back-strengthening postures, aimed at supporting both physical and spiritual growth. There are four classes for each asana/posture that we have chosen for this month.

The first class offers the opportunity to move through three rounds of ten movements designed to challenge balance, coordination, agility, and body awareness, all while supporting that specific yoga posture. These classes provide an accessible aerobic challenge, with options available for all levels of practitioners.

The second class emphasizes getting in touch with and strengthening the muscles specifically recruited for that posture.

The third class delves into the posture itself, both seated and supported by props, as well as the classical form. This is designed to introduce newcomers to yoga while also offering a challenge to long-time practitioners.

The fourth class includes our traditional Gentle HIIT exercises, followed by a review of the posture and a few poses that focus on relaxing the muscles engaged during the practice.

Our practices are designed to be accessible, even for those new to yoga, but also offer options to challenge more experienced practitioners. So, feel free to invite your friends and family to join us—there’s a place for everyone!

The following props will enhance your experience in Gentle Strength this month. Not everything will be used in every class. Getting these items together in advance will save time. If you have any questions feel free to contact us

  • Strength and 3X10 classes:  various sizes of hand weights or bags of uncooked rice or beans and a yoga strap or dish towel.
  • Asana and Recovery Classes:  a chair, wall access, 2 yoga blocks, a strap, blanket and cushions or pillows (firm if available)

Feb 3–Downward Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana) with Terry
Feb 5–Focus on Recovery–Downward Dog with Tammy
Feb 7–3X10 Format featuring Cobra Pose (Bhugangasana) with Terry
Feb 10–Focus on Strength featuring Cobra Pose with Tammy
Feb 12–Cobra Pose with Terry
Feb 14–Focus on Recovery–Cobra Pose with Terry
Feb 17–3X10 Format featuring Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana) with Tammy
Feb 19–Focus on Strength featuring Bridge Pose with Terry
Feb 21–Bridge Pose with Terry
Feb 24–Focus on Recovery–Bridge Pose with Tammy
Feb 26–3X10 Format featuring Bow Pose (Dhanurasana) with Terry
Feb 28–Focus on Strength featuring Bow Pose  with Terry

Past Gentle Strength Classes

December 2024–Physical Function–Musculoskeletal Awareness

Newcomers and beginners to yoga are welcome to start anytime.

This month, we will explore Musculoskeletal Awareness, covering the following five qualities:

  • Joint Integrity
  • Strength
  • Power
  • Speed
  • Endurance

As you can imagine, it’s challenging to separate these qualities from one another. Part of our work this month will involve breaking each one down and then tying them back together, observing how developing all of these aspects helps us become our best physical selves.

Each class will consist of a series of 10 actions, repeated 3 times. This structure allows us to:

  1. Learn the actions in the first round.
  2. Perfect the movements in the second round.
  3. Notice the effects of repetition in the third round, paying attention to how your muscles “remember” the actions.

All Gentle Strength classes are designed to be accessible to everyone. If any movements are not suitable for you, a gentle alternative (such as the “gentle jack”) will be offered. This ensures that everyone can keep moving, no matter where they are physically on any given day. You may even choose to participate from a chair if necessary or preferred.

Dec 2–Super Sunday Replay (Nov 5, 2023)
Dec 4–Joint Integrity with Terry
Dec 6–Strength with Terry
Dec 9–Power with Terry
Dec 11–Speed with Terry
Dec 13–Endurance with Terry
Dec 16–Joint Integrity with Terry
Dec 18–Strength with Terry
Dec 20–Power with Terry
Dec 23–Speed with Tammy
Dec 25–Endurance with Terry
Dec 27–Musculoskeletal Full Body Movement with Terry
Dec 30–Musculoskeletal Full Body Movement with Tammy

skeletons with half the body covered with muscle and words joint integrity strength power speed endurance

Physical Function–Neuromuscular Awareness (Nov 2024)

Newcomers and beginners to yoga are welcome to start anytime.

In November, we are excited to welcome you to the third segment of our four-part series focused on enhancing Physical Function, aimed at supporting your ability to live independently for as long as possible.

This month, we’ll delve into neuromuscular awareness, specifically exploring four essential skills: (1) proprioception, (2) motor control, (3) coordination, and (4) reaction time. While these skills are often associated with athletes, dancers, and first responders, they are vital for everyone to maintain independence and safety. By incorporating simple activities into your daily routine, you can keep these abilities sharp.

We invite you to enjoy a brief video (below) featuring  baby Stetson skillfully navigating down the stairs—a delightful reminder of how we all need these skills as we age to move confidently and safely through life.

Please refer to the list of props needed for November (click here).

Remember, each session is designed to build on the previous classes, but they can also be enjoyed as stand-alone practices. Recorded classes will always be available if you miss a session or want to revisit a favorite.

Nov 4–Proprioception Intro with Tammy
Nov 6–Motor Control Intro with Tammy
Nov 8–Coordination Intro with Tammy
Nov 11–Reaction Time Intro with Tammy
Nov 13–Proprioception–Warrior Sequence with Tammy
Nov 15–Motor Control (Asana) with Tammy
Nov 18–Coordination–Windswept Tree with Tammy
Nov 20–Reaction Time (Asana) with Terry
Nov 22–Exploration of Proprioception with Terry
Nov 25–Exploration of Motor Control with Tammy
Nov 27–Exploration of Coordination with Terry
Nov 29–Exploration of Reaction Time with Terry

Physical Function–Mobility (October 2024)

The theme for this month was mobility-focused movement! This was the second month of our four-part series on Physical Function.  Mobility is essential for good health and independence. We took our balance training to the next level by creating fun obstacle courses in our own homes. Remember, this is gentle mobility training, so you can tailor the challenges to your own level of comfort and ability. You’re in control of the difficulty every step of the way.

To enhance your experience, we recommended having a few props on hand (click here for the list), though you can also participate with minimal equipment—think of it as a toddler’s play area, minus the LEGOs! Our goal is to provide ways to challenge your body and mind while helping you live the life you want. 

Oct 2–Ankle Strength and Mobility Using Running Gait Awareness with Terry
Oct 4–Recommended Video–Warrior 2 (Virabhadrasana II) 8/9/22
Oct 7–Chair Sit to Stand with Terry
Oct 9–Floor Sit to Stand while Holding an Object–A Mobility Essential with Terry
Oct 11–Recommended Video–Side Angle Pose (Utthita Parsvakonasana) 8/11/22
Oct 14–Obstacle Negotiation, Part 1 with Tammy
Oct 16–Obstacle Negotiation, Part 2 with Terry
Oct 18–Recommended Video–Triangle Pose (Trikonasana) 8/16/22
Oct 21–Agility, Part 1 with Tammy
Oct 23–Agility, Part 2 with Tammy
Oct 25–Recommended Video–Locust Pose (Salabhasana) 8/18/22
Oct 28–Walking Gait with Tammy
Oct 30–Mobility Integration – Halloween Dance Party (not-recorded) with Tammy
Nov 1–Recommended Video–Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana Sarvangasana) 8/23/22

Physical Function–Balance (September 2024)

In September, our focus shifted to a crucial aspect of physical function—balance. We worked on enhancing this fundamental skill, essential for independence and vitality. Balance is more than just staying upright; it’s key to living independently. By improving our balance, we’re not only enhancing our movement but also building a strong foundation for an active life. Our practice included exercises to improve balance, both on the yoga mat and in daily activities. 

Sept 2–Postural Strategies with Core Engagement, Part 1 with Tammy
Sept 4–Postural Strategies with Core Engagement, Part 2 with Terry
Sept 6–Recommended Video–Core Strength, recorded 7/29/22
Sept 9–Fitness (lower body) withTerry
Sept 11–Fitness (upper body) with Terry
Sept 13–Recommended Video–Strengthen Your Heart, recorded 7/31/22
Sept 16–Center of Gravity Control, Part 1 with Terry
Sept 18–Center of Gravity Control Part 2 with Terry
Sept 20–Recommended Video–Tree Pose (Vrksasana), recorded 8/2/22
Sept 23–Multi-sensory (Sensory experiment) Part 1 with Tammy
Sept 25–Multi-sensory (Sensory challenges) Part 2 with Tammy
Sept 27–Recommended Video–Sage Pose (Marichyasana III) and Lord of the Fishes (Matsyendrasana), recorded 8/4/22
Sept 30–Balance Integration / Vinyasa Flow with Terry

Illuminating Asana & Supporting Posture (August 2024)

In our August classes there were several “Asana Breakdowns” to illuminate the finer details about these accessible poses and their benefits. Our final week of classes focused on the necessity of working on your posture for both balance and strength.  We also recommended specific videos in the Video Library.  Links directly to these videos are in the list below. 

Aug 2–Recommended Video–7/10/22 Fingers, Hands, Arms
Aug 5–Featuring Goddess Variations with Tammy
Aug 7–Featuring Triangle (Trikonasana) with Chair Support with Terry
Aug 9–Recommended Video–7/14/22 Featuring Shoulders and Neck
Aug 12–Featuring Bridge (Setu Bandhasana) with Tammy
Aug 14–Featuring Warrior Series with Terry
Aug 16–Recommended Video–7/17/22 Focus on Strong Legs
Aug 19–Balance with Elevation and Foot Massage with Tammy
Aug 21–Featuring Extended Legs Up the Wall with Terry
Aug 23–Recommended Video–7/21/22 Focus on Toes, Feet, Ankles, Shins
Aug 26–Focus on the Power of the Pelvic Floor for Strong Posture with Tammy
Aug 28–Focus on the Strength of the Shoulder Girdle for Powerful Posture with Terry
Aug 30–Recommended Video–7/25/22 Featuring Posture Reassessment

water lily

Independence (July 2024)

In July, we recommended specific videos in the Video Library for you to watch on Fridays and also during the week that Terry and Tammy were both away on vacation during the fifth week of July.  (See list below for the list and links to the recommended videos.)

In our live stream classes in July there were several “Asana Breakdowns” and two weeks dedicated to “Practical Applications”. In other words, how can our movement on the mat make our daily lives safer, easier, more enjoyable, and our favorite, INDEPENDENT!!!

July 1–Featuring Crane Pose with Tammy
July 3–Featuring Warrior 3 with Terry
July 5–Recommended Video–6/16/22 Balance
July 8–Featuring Thread the Needle with Tammy
July 10–Featuring Archer with Terry
July 12–Recommended Video–6/19/22 Neck Turns
July 15–Wide Angle Standing Forward Bend with Tammy
July 17–Featuring Staff Pose with Terry
July 19–Recommended Video–6/23/22 Touching Your Toes
July 22–Sit to Stand / Getting Down and Up from the Floor with Tammy
July 24–Reach for It with Terry
July 26–Recommended Video–6/30/22 Practical Applications part 1
July 29–Recommended Video–7/3/22 Practical Applications part 2
July 31–Recommended Video–7/7/22 Twist Your Torso

Welcoming Summer (June 2024)

We offer ways to stay active that are accessible to nearly everyone, but, in addition, we have a community that is dedicated to staying active and connected!

Gentle Strength began as a way to support strong bones through research-supported movement. It evolved to a practice that would allow yoga newcomers to get in touch with their body, learn more about how it works, and how to practice postures safely. As we grew, we added ways to appropriately challenge ourselves to strengthen our hearts and lungs.

In April, we decided to focus on the joy of practicing and the freedom to “make each practice your own” offering live Monday and Wednesday classes themed as either Asana Flow or FUN-ctional movement, plus Flashback Fridays*. For June, thanks to the enthusiastic response to these offerings, we continued in this same way! 

Join us to stay strong while having fun.

*Flashback Fridays are a live online gathering with a video replay of a prior Gentle Strength class hosted by Joyce and, when available, Tammy or Terry. 

June 3–FUNctional Movement–Arm Focu with Tammy
June 5–Asana Flow–Seated Warriors with Terry
June 7–Flashback Friday–A Stable Foundation: Feet & Calves with Terry (recorded 5/26/22)
June 10–FUNctional Movement–Head to Toe with Tammy
June 12–Asana Flow–Boat (Navasana) & Core with Terry
June 14–Flashback Friday–At the Center of it All: Core Strength with Terry (recorded 5/29/22)
June 17–FUNctional Movement–Pelvic Floor with Terry
June 19–Asana Flow–Chair-Supported Frog, Goddess, Upward Salute Side Bend with Terry
June 21–Flashback Friday–Pelvic Floor Awareness: the Power of a Strong Foundation with Terry (recorded 6/2/22)
June 24–FUNctional Movement–Feet and Legs with Terry
June 26–Asana Flow–Mountain (Tadasana), Upward Salute Side Bend, Tree (Vriksasana) with Tammy
June 28–Flashback Friday–The Power of Posture: Root to Rise with Terry (recorded 6/5/22)

seniors happy to be doing movment for health

Celebrating Gentle Strength (May 2024)

In May, we celebrated Dynamic Gentle Strength’s second anniversary (Yay!!!) We are grateful for the opportunity to offer these classes and honored to continue supporting you in gently strengthening your bones, muscles and balance! 

In May we had a “watch party” on Fridays of recordings of classic Gentle Strength classes from May 2022. The Monday and Wednesday classes included Gentle Strength “dance parties”, gentle asana flows, and FUNctional Movement that included options to explore some advanced positions and movements within a gentle yoga approach). 

Our “awareness focus” shifted from Earth to Water with some wonderful Asana mini-flow practices. These practices aimed to inspire creativity and to enhance your individual practice.

May was a month about exploring yourself, finding freedom to create, and definitely having some fun in the process.

May 1–FUN-ctional Movement with Tammy
May 3–Flashback Friday–The Power of Posture: Activation through Exhalation–Terry (recorded 5/8/22)
May 6–Dance Party with Tammy
May 8–Asana Flow with Tammy
May 10–Flashback Friday–Upright but Not Uptight: Glutes and Psoas–Terry (recorded 5/15/22)
May 13–Asana Flow with Tammy
May 15–FUN-ctional Movement with Terry
May 17–Flashback Friday–Get Your Head on Straight: Strength and Stability for Neck and Shoulders–Terry (recorded 5/12/22)
May 20–Asana Flow with Terry
May 22–FUN-ctional Movement with Terry
May 24–Flashback Friday–Twist without Shouting: Safe Rotations for a Healthy Spine–Terry (recorded 5/19/22)
May 27–Dance Party with Tammy
May 29–Asana Flow with Terry
May 31–Flashback Friday–Get a Grip: Fingers, Hands, Arms–Terry (recorded 5/22/22)

Celebrating Nature (April 2024)

April was a month to observe the earth’s reawakening in the northeast. As buds exploded and sleeping plants emerged, we invited you to take time to reawaken your own body through movements intended to strengthen your awareness of each muscle as much as the muscle itself became stronger.

We used a combination of movement and stillness in different postures and spent a few sessions exploring sun and moon salutations in a variety of ways.

April 1–Goddess (seated, standing, with support) with Tammy
April 3–Pelvic floor integration with Terry
April 5–Chandra Namaskar (Moon Salutations standing) with Terry
April 8–Uttanasana (Forward Fold–first chakra) with Tammy
April 10–Vrikshasana (Tree) with Terry
April 12–Parsvottanasana (Pyramid) with Terry
April 15–Anjaneyasana (Lunge–second chakra) with Tammy
April 17–Bhujangasana (Cobra) with Terry
April 19–Gomukhasana (Cow Face) with Terry
April 22–Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog) with Tammy
April 24–Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations) with Tammy
April 26–Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations) with Tammy
April 29–Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations) with Tammy

Strengthening Self Care (March 2024)

This month we focused on the muscles, bones, joints and connective tissue in the lower body. We massaged and flexed and lengthened and strengthened our way to better balance and agility. 

Props and tools that will enhance the practice during this theme can include, but will not be limited to, a handheld massage roller (this link shows you an example*) or a kitchen rolling pin, tennis balls (2 in a sock is a great tool), any small therapeutic balls, and a hand towel. You might even want to have foot lotion and a pair of socks handy.

This month’s theme was a reminder that strengthening is not always about sweating, sometimes it’s about self care.

*we do not receive any financial benefit from your use of this link

March 1–Exploration of the soles of the feet with Terry
March 4–Self massage of feet and legs with Terry Props: roller tool or kitchen rolling pin, 2 tennis balls or soft balls in a sock, any other tools you have laying around
March 6–Step up step down with Terry
March 8–Ankle stability and mobility with Terry
March 11–Focus on joints & lymphatics for legs and feet with Tammy in Terry’s studio!
March 13–Diagonal and cross body movement, the keys to balance, bird dog, cosmic dancer with Terry
March 15–Lower/upper body connection, fascia, strain/counter strain, triangle, revolved triangle (all with chair) with Terry
March 18– Lower legs, knees & feet with Tammy
March 20–Calf raises, toe raises, kick backs with Terry
March 22–Bridge pose with variations and block with Terry
March 25–Mini-Vinyasa with Terry (pre-recorded Dec 12, 2023)
March 27– Sit to stand withTerry
March 29 –Chandra Namaskar with chair support (Moon Salutations) with Terry (pre-recorded Dec 26, 2023)

Strengthening the Heart (February 2024)

In honor of Heart Health Awareness month, our Gentle Strength classes in February featured a brief 5-minute gentle aerobic session at the start, promoting heart strength and quickly warming up for our 30-minute practice. The rest of each class varied:

  • Mondays focused on posture and balance, with the first Monday featuring a heartful “dance party” led by Tammy.
  • Wednesdays offered a 30-minute blend of cardio and strengthening exercises, allowing personalized pacing.
  • Fridays emphasized chair and wall-supported postures, ensuring pain-free participation while maintaining a challenge.
  • Sundays offered options to explore some advanced positions and movements, always with options that feel safe to you, guided by the awareness of gentle yoga. 

Join us for Gentle Strength Super Sundays throughout the month, with options to explore some advanced positions and movements. You will be able to choose options that feel safe, guided by the awareness of gentle yoga.

Note: Wednesdays and Sundays are not traditional yoga posture classes.

Fri Feb 2-Bridge (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana) with Terry
Sunday Feb 4- Super Sunday with Terry
Mon Feb 5–Open Hearted Dance Party with Tammy
Wed Feb 7–Love your Arms with Terry
Fri Feb 9–Camel (Ustrasana) with Terry
Sunday Feb 11- Super Sunday with Terry
Mon Feb 12–Cobra/Sphinx/Alligator (Bhujangasana/Salamba Bhujangasana/Makarasana) with Tammy
Wed Feb 14–Love your Neck and Shoulders with Terry
Fri Feb 16–Melting Heart (Anahatasana) with Terry
Sunday Feb 18- Super Sunday with Terry
Mon Feb 19–Locust/Alligator (Salabhasana/Makarasana) with Tammy
Wed Feb 21–Love your Legs with Terry
Fri Feb 23–Wild Thing (Camatkarasana) with Terry
Sunday Feb 25- Super Sunday with Terry
Mon Feb 26–Bow/Alligator Bow/Alligator(Dhanurasana/Makarasana) with Tammy
Wed Feb 28–Love your Back with Terry

Mini Vinyasa–Warmth for the Winter (January 2024)

In January, which meant deep winter for many of us, our Gentle Strength classes focused on keeping us healthy and active through movement that generated heat in the body. We combined 2 or 3 traditional yoga positions into a sequence with pauses or “holds” that, in addition to being warming, strengthened muscles and enhanced bone health.

The month was a celebration of strength and empowerment! 

Jan 3: Locust/Cobra/Bow (Salabhasana/Bhujangasana/Dhanurasana) with Terry
Jan 5: Moon Salutations (Chandra Namaskar) with Terry
Jan 8: Sun Salutation v1 (Surya Namaskar) with Tammy
Jan 10: Sun Salutation v2 (Surya Namaskar) with Tammy
Jan 12: Sun Salutation v3 (Surya Namaskar) with Tammy
Jan 15: Cat/Cow/Child (Marjaryasana/Bitilasana/Balasana) with Tammy
Jan 17: Twisting Seated Angle Pose (Parsva Upavistha Konasana) with Terry
Jan 19: Warrior2/Reverse Warrior 2/Side Angle/ Revolved Side Angle (Virabhadrasana2/Reverse/Parsvakonasana/ Revolved) with Terry
Jan 22: Mountain Pose/Fierce Pose/Tree Pose/Cosmic Dancer (Tadasana/Utkatasana/
Vrksasana/Natarajasana) with Terry
Jan 24: Warrior 2/Triangle (Virabhadrasana 2/Trikonasana) with Tammy
Jan 26: Cat/Cow/Bird Dog/Equestrian (Marjaryasana/Bitilasana/Parsva Balasana/Utthita Ashwa Sanchalanasana) with Terry
Jan 29: Bridge/Reclined Pigeon (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana/Supta Kapotasana) with Tammy
Jan 31: Bound Angle/Supine Hand to Big Toe pose (Baddha Konasana/Supta Hasta Padangusthasana) with Terry

Your Most Valuable Asset (December 2023)

If you are new to Gentle Strength, we invite you into this exploration of your most valuable asset, your amazing physical body and mind! The past two months in Gentle Strength have been filled with the study of specific asanas. We continue this approach through December.

In December, our Monday classes continued to explore how yoga has an impact on our lymphatic system and the trickle down health benefits we might experience from our practice. On Wednesday mornings we shifted gears into an approach that is “near” to what is called Yin Yoga. We say “near” because traditional Yin does not focus on muscle engagement, but we will (think osteoporosis and osteoarthritis friendly)! We entered and releaseed a floor posture several times to create an awareness of the muscles used and the joints impacted by the practice, offering more insight into how our muscles can place appropriate tension on bones to positively impact our bone density.

On Fridays, we were moving, breathing, and coordinating the two actions as we explored some familiar poses and maybe a pose or two that are new to you or we may be approaching them in a new way.  We had additional pop-up Super Sunday classes with a bit of a different focus. 

Dec 1- Cat/Cow with chair (Marjaryasana/Bitilasana) with Terry
Mon Dec 4- Wide Leg Standing Forward Fold (Prasarita Padottanasana) with Tammy
Wed Dec 6- Half Lord of the Fishes (Ardha Matsyendrasana) with Terry
Fri Dec 8- Crescent Moon Standing Side Bend (Urdhva Hastasana) with Terry
Mon Dec 11- Boat Pose (Paripurna Navasana) with Tammy
Wed Dec 13- Psoas Release with Terry
Fri Dec 15- Crescent Lunge variations (Anjaneyasana) with Terry
Mon Dec 18- Sitting Forward Stretch (Janu Sirsasana) with Tammy
Wed Dec 20- Cobra (Bhujangasana) with Terry
Fri Dec 22- Side Plank variations (Vasisthasana) with Terry
Mon Dec 25- Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) with Tammy or Terry
Wed Dec 27- Reclining Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana) with Terry
Fri Dec 29- Warrior I/Warrior III  (Virabhadrasana I/ Virabhadrasana III) with Terry

senior woman doing warrior pose

Joy in the Journey (Nov 2023)

Newcomers can join anytime. Each class stands alone, however, our video library, especially the recordings from July, August, and September 2023, serves as a valuable resource; these practices support a strong foundation by addressing specific body parts. 

At the heart of Gentle Strength is our intention is to enhance muscle strength and bone health for wellness, independence and a youthful spirit throughout life. In November, we will highlight how each posture works to stimulate the lymphatic system through conscious breathing. 

All of the gentle yoga practices that we offer in the Gentle Strength method cultivate awareness and encourage us to take things slowly; we safely explore our potential so that while a movement or position may not be accessible yet, the joy is in the journey.

Wed, Nov 1, Tadasana (Mountain Pose) with Terry
Fri, Nov 3, Virabhadrasana 1 (Warrior 1) & Parsvottanasana (Pyramid) with Terry
Mon, Nov 6, Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle) with Tammy
Wed, Nov 8, Vrikshasana (Tree) with Terry
Fri, Nov 10, Uttha Pristhasana (Lizard) with Terry
Mon, Nov 13, Trikonasana (Triangle) with Tammy
Wed, Nov 15, Ardha Utkatasana (Whooping Crane/standing figure 4) with Terry
Fri, Nov 17, Virabhadrasana 2 (Warrior 2) & Parsvakonasana (Side Angle Bend) with Terry
Mon, Nov 20, Balasana (Child’s Pose with support) with Tammy
Wed, Nov 22, Garudasana (Eagle) with Terry
Fri, Nov 24, Parsva Balasana (Bird Dog) with Terry
Mon, Nov 27, Makarasana (Alligator) & Salamba Bhujangasana (Sphinx) with Tammy
Wed, Nov 29, Savasana (Corpse Pose) with Terry

Don’t Let the Word Asana Scare You
(Oct 2023)

If you’ve been practicing with us, you will notice that during the classes we live streamed in October, we put the past three months of exploration all together into the practice. We focused on becoming aware of individual muscle groups, joints, and movement patterns, with the addition of practicing specific Asana, or yoga postures. Each class focused on one posture while paying attention to the muscles we used to increase the benefit received from doing the posture. We also explored the option to stay in a posture longer, not as long as our skeleton friend in the photo (lol), but long enough to allow the benefits of muscle tension on bones to support bone density.*

These classes are always guided to allow those who are new to yoga to learn safe and accessible ways to be in a pose. At the same time, we give experienced practitioners an opportunity to practice beginner’s mind and explore postures as if for the first time. Just a reminder, gentle strength classes are here to support whatever activities you currently do, to help you be strong and injury-free.

In October, while we still had two classes a week (Nov-Apr is 3 classes/week), we encouraged participants to challenge themselves to go back through the July-Aug-Sept videos to review the lower body, the upper body and the torso. By reviewing these classes, you not only give yourself the opportunity to practice more frequently, but to have a reminder of the awareness we developed that we brought into Asana practice in October.

*Physiatrist Loren M. Fishman, M.D. of Columbia University has said that “yoga puts more pressure on bone than gravity does” and that opposing one group of muscles against another stimulates bone-making cells (osteocytes).

Tues, Oct 3- Tammy- Plank (wall & floor)
Thur, Oct 5- Terry- Utkatasana (fierce pose/chair pose)
Tues, Oct 10- Tammy- Supta Padangustasana (reclining hand to big toe pose)
Thur, Oct 12- Terry- Leaning Goddess (wide-legged squat with cactus arms moving)
Tues, Oct 17- Tammy- Salabhasana (locust)
Thur, Oct 19- Terry- Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward facing dog- chair and wall)
Tues, Oct 24- Tammy- Setu Bandhasana (bridge pose)
Thur, Oct 26- Tammy- Ardha Matsyendrasana (seated spinal twist)
Tues, Oct 31- Terry- Parsvakonasana (side angle pose)

Little Actions, Big Results- Torso
(Sept 2023)

You can join us anytime; it’s never too late to start! Little actions create big results!

For September, the focus of Gentle Strength shifted from our limbs to our trunks. Think core strength, back strength, rotational freedom; in the northeast, think shoveling. Think POSTURE!!!  A strong spine that can respond to the demands of daily life and that can also keep your head held high with a neutral curve…come to class to see what that means.

If you’ve been practicing Gentle Strength for a while, you know that we have designed each month to be a little different and we have worked our way through each month as a series. So, when participating in livestream classes, if you miss a class, try to watch the recording so your practice can build upon each session. If you are new to practicing with us, we want you to know that we’re also realistic; life happens, so if you miss any live stream classes, just hop back in. You can benefit from each class as a stand alone segment, but, of course we recommend on-going participation for the most benefit.

No matter the theme of the month, we are always working on our strength and balance to ensure that the only thing that falls are the leaves in autumn, rain in spring and summer and snowflakes in winter and toddlers learning to walk.

Tues, Sept 5- Tammy- Lower Abdominals and Pelvic Floor
Thurs, Sept 7- Tammy- Lower Back
Tues, Sept 12- Terry- Side Body
Thurs, Sept 14- Terry- Mid Back
Tues, Sept 19- Terry- Solar Plexus
Thurs, Sept 21- Terry- Chest
Tues, Sept 26- Terry- Upper Back
Thurs Sept 28- Terry- Review & Integration- Compound Movement in the Torso

Little Actions, Big Results- Bottom Up
(August 2023)

You can join us anytime; it’s never too late to start! Little actions create big results!

Our August Gentle Strength Classes will be a continuation of our return to the fundamentals of yoga postures to strengthen our bones. We shift our July focus on upper body extremities to the lower body for August. 

It can be frustrating when exploring a posture if our wrists or knees or “fill in your personal road block” prevents us from being comfortable in a yoga shape or a move.  Yes, we can do modifications and explore options, but during this 3-month exploration (July-Aug-Sept) we’re going to look at ways to strengthen specific areas in the pursuit of taking down the roadblocks.

Even if we need to modify our practices, strengthening specific muscles and creating mobility in joints can create benefits off the mat as well as broadening our yoga practice. Everything we do in Gentle Strength serves us in our day to day functional movements as well.

This month will be a great review of lower body for those who have been practicing over the past 14 months but it’s also a fabulous place to begin. If you know anyone who could benefit from being stronger and more balanced, please invite them to join in. 

Aug 1- Tammy- Feet and Toes
Aug 3- Tammy- Ankles
Aug 8- Terry- Lower Leg
Aug 10- Terry- Knees
Aug 15- Tammy- Thighs/Quads
Aug 17- Tammy- Hamstrings
Aug 22- Terry- Abductors
Aug 24- Terry- Adductors
Aug 29- Tammy- Hip Flexors
Aug 31- Tammy- Glutes

July- Little Actions, Big Results- Top Down
(July 2023)

It’s the little actions that create big results! 

Our July Gentle Strength Classes returned to the fundamentals of yoga postures to strengthen our bones. To do this, we worked from the outside (fingers and toes) and move inward to our core strength. 

We may be frustrated when exploring a posture if our wrists or knees or “fill in your personal road block” prevents us from being comfortable in the shape. Yes, we can do modifications and explore options, but in July/Aug/Sept 2023, we looked at ways to strengthen specific areas in the pursuit of taking down the roadblocks. Even if we need to modify our practices, strengthening specific muscles and creating mobility in joints can create benefits off the mat as well as broadening our yoga practice. 

July 4- Terry- Fingers and Hands
July 6- Terry-Wrists
July 11- Tammy- Forearms
July 13- Terry- Elbows
July 18- Tammy- Biceps & Triceps
July 20- Terry- Shoulders
July 25- Tammy- Neck
July 27- Terry- Review and Integration of Upper Extremities

June- Flow Yourself Stronger
(June 2023)

“June is Busting Out All Over,” at least according to Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Carousel. Here at Gentle Strength, however, our intention in June was to avoid “busting” or breaking anything, particularly our bones. 

In the month of May, we focused on strengthening our balance to avoid landing on the floor unintentionally. In June we explored a Fierce Warrior practice planned that allowed students to practice two different “mini-vinis”; a mini-vini is a flow between two postures that utilizes and increases awareness and strength which was the focus last month. That being said, newcomers to Gentle Strength are always welcome to begin anytime; practicing at your just-right level of challenge is always supported. 

The first two classes of the month, June 1 and 6 introduceed students to the two mini-vinis  and then, starting June 8, each class was a practice of one of the two mini-vinis, plus we invited you to intentionally and methodically come down to the floor to explore an additional posture. Our intention was to encourage you to get up and down from the floor with ease, or, if not ease, at least determination!  We are very aware that there are times when getting down to the floor is not an option. Not to worry, the inclusive nature of these classes means that the floor posture can instead be practiced in a variation on a chair or at a wall and we will show you how.

Every body will be offered an appropriate challenge to strengthen you from your individual starting point. We invite you to meet yourself where you are as you meet Tammy and Terry on Tuesday and Thursday each week in June to “flow yourself stronger!”

June 1- Terry- Warriors 1&3
June 6- Tammy- Warrior 2 and Reverse Warrior
June 8- Tammy- Warrior 2 and Reverse Warrior with Staff
June 13- Terry- Warriors 1&3 with Bridge
June 15- Terry- Warriors 1&3 with ½ Frog
June 20- Tammy- Warrior 2 and Reverse Warrior with Cobra
June 22- Tammy- Warrior 2 and Reverse Warrior with Reclined Pigeon
June 27- Terry- Warriors 1&3 with Supine Twist
June 29 – TerryWarriors 1&3 with Legs up with Strap

Strengthen Your Stability
(May 2023)

We humans seem to constantly seek balance in life. We seek it in our diet. We seek balance between work and play, and between risk and reward. The list goes on and on. In Gentle Strength practices, we seek balance between honoring our maturing bodies and challenging ourselves to continue to get stronger. We strive to maintain muscle mass and bone density and also, to improve! 

Gentle Strength was one year old as of May 2023!  For this month, we invited everyone to challenge their physical balance: honor where you are. but strive to grow stronger and more balanced. We begain with core practices. 

As always, each Gentle Strength class stands on its own, but the experience is definitely strengthened by participating in the full series for the month. 

May 2- Tammy- Foundations in Balance
May 4- Tammy- Sit to Stand: the Core of Balance
May 9- Tammy- Balanced Eagle
May 11- Terry- Crescent Lunge
May 16- Terry- Strengthen Your Feet (have a hand towel available)
May 18- Terry- Half Lotus Standing
May 23- Tammy- Fierce Pose (Uttkatasana) for Ankle and Calf Strength
May 25- Terry- Warrior I/ Crescent Moon (using a chair)
May 30- Tammy- Warrior I/ Warrior III (using a chair)

Finding Gentle Strength in Asana- Muscles & Breath
(April 2023)

As we look forward to warmer weather, longer days and more time outdoors, we’ll turn our attention to practices on the mat to support the season. Each Monday we will explore an asana led by Tammy so you have the experience of the pose. On Wednesday we’ll focus on what muscles are activated in the posture and how to isolate and strengthen them. During the Friday class we’ll do a 10 minute HIIT practice (personalized High Intensity Interval Training) and then spend the rest of the class discussing breath patterns used in that week’s asana.

We’ll begin in the first week with an exploration of Sun Salutations, which has been a favorite! Then we’ll get down to Earth and plant a Tree. Next, honor Mother Nature with a strengthening Goddess.  And finally, take flight as we explore the Air through the beautiful balance practice of Crane Pose. For many students of yoga, these asanas are old friends, for others, a new experience. As always, options will be offered in a way to meet you exactly where you are.

In this month’s format we will be having a “Beginners Mind” experience of the Asana before breaking it down. Think about it as a personal springtime for your own practice. Enjoy observing your body, mind and heart having an experience and then looking deeper into it.

Mon Apr 3 Sun Salutation with Tammy
Wed Apr 5 Sun Salutation Muscles with Tammy
Fri Apr 7 HIIT plus Sun Salutation- Breath Focus with Tammy
Mon Apr 10 Tree Pose with Tammy
Wed Apr 12 Tree Pose Muscles with Terry
Fri Apr 14 HIIT plus Tree Pose- Breath Focus with Terry
Mon Apr 17 Goddess Pose with Tammy
Wed Apr 19 Goddess Pose Muscles with Terry
Fri Apr 21 HIIT plus Goddess Pose- Breath Focus with Terry
Mon Apr 24 Crane Pose with Tammy
Wed Apr 26 Crane Pose Muscles with Terry
Fri Apr 28 HIIT plus Crane Pose- Breath Focus with Terry

Explore, Locate, Strengthen and Mix it Up!
(March 2023)

We rotated three types of classes in the month of March.

Asana Practice- we broke down a yoga asana (pose) to give you an understanding of postures and options that work for you to incorporate in your personal practice or when attending classes. 

Locate and Strengthen- we used the mind/body connection to activate specific muscles to increase strength and flexibility. We dug deeper to work on awareness of specific muscles and how they allow us to strengthen the mind/body connection. 

Mix it Up-Improvised Weights-  we provided opportunities to “up your game” by adding weight to the workouts using items in your home; adding a small amount of weight can improve your balance & increase muscle strength. This was be a little HIIT* refresher! If you have small hand weights that’s great, have them handy, but also grab a bag of rice or beans, pop it into an additional zip lock bag, and have it handy for class.-

Mar 1 Muscle Awareness- Hands/Wrists/Arms
Mar 3 Improvised Weights- Adding Weights/Found Objects
Mar 6 Asana- Cat/Cow (chair)
Mar 8 Muscle Awareness- Core/Hip Flexors/Legs
Mar 10 Improvised Weights- Bags of Groceries
Mar 13 Asana- Warrior II (chair/standing)
Mar 15 Muscle Awareness- Back
Mar 17 Improvised Weights- Rice and Beans (not just a meal)
Mar 20 Asana-Plank/Dolphin (wall)
Mar 22 Muscle Awareness- Spine
Mar 24 Improvised Weights- Twisting (jugs)
Mar 27 Asana- Supta Matsyandrasana (knee-down twist)
Mar 29 Muscle Awareness- Off the Mat
Mar 31 Movement plus Community Sharing*
*The March 31st class was movement followed by community time to check in and see how everyone was doing on and off their mats.

Strengthen Your Heart
(Feb 2023)

February is often associated with St. Valentine and traditions of giving candy, love notes and flowers to your special someone.  This month, the Gentle Strength teachers, Terry and Tammy, invited participants to be their own special someone. If you use the videos of this series of classes, the gift you’ll be giving yourself is the exploration of a strengthened heart, both physical and emotional. 

We rotated three styles of classes throughout the month of February: 

  • A class focused on Loving Kindness Meditation, an opportunity to strengthen your emotional heart
  • A class focused on Heart Opening Postures that includes strengthening your back body, an opportunity to increase your awareness of your posture and how vital good posture is for diaphragmatic breathing and increased lung and heart function
  • A class taught, as always, in a manner that will be accessible to all, focused on HIIT* (High Intensity Interval Training) workouts, an opportunity to safely explore your capacity to raise and lower your heart rate in a manner that strengthens your heart muscle 

*Just for fun, Joyce thinks we should call these workouts PHIIT, (pronounced fit), for Personalized High Intensity Interval Training.

We enjoyed a month of heart-strength-building, and also a month of community building and supporting each of us to learn about our own body and how to grow stronger and stronger with each breath we take. 

Feb 1 Loving Kindness Meditation (Self) with Tammy
Feb 3 Heart Opening Postures- Shoulder Focus with Terry
Feb 6 HIIT Dance Party with Tammy
Feb 8 Heart Opening Postures- Back Strength/Floor Options with Terry
Feb 10 Loving Kindness Meditation (Self, Benefactor/Friend) with Terry
Feb 13 Heart Opening Postures- Fish Pose with Tammy (Terry’s birthday!)
Feb 15 Loving Kindness Meditation (Self, Benefactor/Friend, Neutral) with Terry
Feb 17 HIIT- Get Down to Get Up and Get Your Heart Rate Up to Bring it Down with Terry
Feb 20 Loving Kindness Meditation (Self, Benefactor/Friend, Neutral, Difficult Person, All Beings) with Tammy
Feb 22 HIIT- Tighten up Your Timing with Terry
Feb 24 Heart Opening Postures- Cobra (chair options) with Terry
Feb 27 HIIT Dance Party February Finale! with Tammy

Salute to the Sun
(Jan 2023)

Terry and Tammy created a wonderful curriculum focusing on Sun Salutations. True to the Dynamic Gentle Yoga method, this series of Gentle Strength classes offered a safe and satisfying way to benefit from each part of the Sun Salute sequence. Although each class built on its predecessor, you’ll be safe and have fun selecting any single class. 

In the Monday classes in the January series, students were guided through a different option for practicing accessible Sun Salutations. All using a chair in some way. On Wednesdays (beginning with the December 28th class), the focus was on one area of the body as it relates to practicing Sun Salutations. On Fridays, we continued with our December Self Practice of Plank, Squat, and Side Lunge, with some add ons to increase our strength and refine our movements.

Jan 2 – Finding Your Sun Salutation – We begin our exploration of sun salutations with the sun breath 
Jan 4- Strengthen Your Back and Side Body 
Jan 6- Play with your Plank/ Squat/ Side Lunge 
Jan 9 – Finding Your Sun Salutation – We proceed to the ½ sun salute, seated in a chair 
Jan 11- Tone Your Pelvic Floor/Protect Your Low Back  
Jan 13- How Breath Affects Pelvic Floor Health  
Jan 16 – Finding Your Sun Salutation – Explore the ½ sun salute from a standing position, using the chair for support 
Jan 18- Leg Muscles/ Finding Balance  
Jan 20- Slow Down Your Side Lunge/ Plank/ Squat  
Jan 23 – Finding Your Sun Salutation – We continue using the chair for support as we move into a full sun salutation 
Jan 25- Spinal Rotation for Every Body (an exploration of twists with an emphasis on strength and accommodation 
Jan 27- Plank/ Squat/ Side Lunge finale! Your go-to self practice. Making it your own! 
Jan 30 – Finding Your Sun Salutation – We end our exploration adding a supported spinal rotation to our sun salutation 

How to Practice Daily
(Dec 2022 )

The intention for Gentle Strength this month was to enjoy physical activity on a daily basis, moving into winter with support for consistency. For December, there will be three 7:15am classes each week! The addition of Mondays provided an opportunity for an interactive exploration of movement with time for questions and discussion in a supportive community. View/download the calendar of classes and options that supported an intention to keep moving this month

Dec 2- #1 of 5 Plank/Side Lunge/Squat
Meet yourself where you are to get where you want to go!!! This is your homework for December. Basic exercises to complement yoga postures. These will be accessible by using a chair and a wall.
Dec 5-Floor Practice- Resilience Part 1 
We get down to get back up again, why is this so vital?
Dec 7- Pelvic Floor Strength
Silent Muscles with a Loud Message.
Dec 9- #2 of 5 Plank/Side Lunge/Squat
Share how your home practice feels for you. Explore Listening to your body at the beginning of sensations. Some additional options will be offered getting you off your chair and coming off the wall if that sounds appealing. Practice and brief sharing time.
Dec 12- Floor Practice- Resilience Part 2
The ups and downs of getting stronger. Working with acute injuries and chronic conditions to stay strong and independent. Revisit getting down to get back up again.
Dec 14- Mountain Pose, Tree, Warrior 2, Side Angle Bend
A Mini Flow for maximum strength (Focusing on Pelvic Floor Integration)           
Dec 16- #3 of 5 Plank/Side Lunge/Squat
Share how your home practice feels for you. Explore slowing down your movements to create a deeper challenge.  Practice and a brief sharing time.  
Dec 19- Bridge Pose on the floor  
A back bend, a glute strengthener, a quad and hip flexor stretch. So much from one accessible posture
Dec 21- Sun Salutation using a chair 
A flow of movements gently paced to allow awareness and integration throughout the practice. A chair will be used at all times to create support for keeping your head above your heart for anyone who enjoys or requires that option to accommodate eye or blood pressure concerns.        
Dec 23- #4 of 5 Plank/Side Lunge/Squat/
Share how your home practice feels for you. Now that we’re stronger and more stable We’ll be adding upper body movement to these shapes to create compound actions.  
Dec 26- Locust Pose on the floor 
A belly down practice to strengthen your back body.         
Dec 28- Upper Body Strength/Stay Balanced
Revisiting some basic strength exercises with a focus on your upper body from fingertips to the crown of your head. 
Dec 30- #5 of 5 Plank/Side Lunge/Squat   
This class will begin with a brief group practice and then shift into a few minutes to check in and share how your month has been.  

Pose Deconstruction & Integration
(Nov 2022)

November was a continuation of deconstruction of postures, making them gentle and accessible. The last class of the month pulled them all together.

November 2 Warrior I (Virabhadrasana) Pyramid Pose (Parsvottanasana)
November 4 Warrior I (Virabhadrasana) Pyramid Pose (Parsvottanasana)
November 9 Eagle Pose (Garudasana)
November 11 Eagle Pose (Garudasana)
November 16 Cow Face Pose (Gomukhasana)
November 18 Cow Face Pose (Gomukhasana)
November 23 Standing Half Moon or Upward Salute Side Bend Pose (Parsva Urdhva Hastasana)
November 25 Standing Half Moon or Upward Salute Side Bend Pose (Parsva Urdhva Hastasana)
November 30 Sequence integration of November class

Gentle Strength
(Oct 2022)

Oct 5 Triangle Pose (Trikonasana) and Revolved Triangle Pose (Parivritta Trikonasana)
Oct 7  Triangle Pose (Trikonasana) andRevolved Triangle Pose (Parivritta Trikonasana) With focus on the Chakras
Oct 12 Tree Pose (Vrksasana) and Warrior II (Virabhadrasana) and Side Angle Pose (Utthita Parsvakonasana)
Oct 14  Tree Pose (Vrksasana) and Warrior II (Virabhadrasana) andSide Angle Pose (Utthita Parsvakonasana) With focus on the Chakras
Oct 19  Sage Pose (Marichyasana III) and Lord of the Fishes (Matsyendrasana)
Oct 21 Sage Pose (Marichyasana III) and Lord of the Fishes (Matsyendrasana) With focus on the Chakras
Oct 26 Locust Pose (Salabhasana) and Bridge Pose (Setubandha Sarvangasana)
Oct 28 Locust Pose (Salabhasana) and Bridge Pose (Setubandha Sarvangasana) With focus on the Chakras

Bone Density Yoga Shapes Revisited
(Sept 2022)

In September, Terry again taught the movements and shapes that have been used in numerous research studies that proved to be effective at increasing bone density.

Sept 2 Tree Pose (Vrksasana)
Sept 7 Sage Pose (Marichyasnana III) & Lord of the Fishes (Matsyendrasna)
Sept 9 Warrior II (Virabhadrasana)
Sept 14 Side Angle Pose (Utthita Parsvakonasana)
Sept 16 Triangle Pose (Trikonasana) & Revolved Triangle Pose (Parivritta Trikonasana)
Sept 21 Locust Pose (Salabhasana)
Sept 23 Bridge Pose (Setubandha Sarvangasana)
Sept 28 Reclining Hand to Big Toe Pose I & II (Supta Padangustasana I & II)
Sept 30 Guided Savasana (Relaxation)

Bone Density Yoga Shapes
(Aug 2022)

In August, Terry and Tammy taught 11 of the 12 yoga postures that have been used in numerous research studies and shown to be effective in maintaining or increasing bone density.

August 2 Tree Pose (Vrksasana)
August 4 Sage Pose (Marichyasnana III) & Lord of the Fishes (Matsyendrasna)
August 9 Warrior II (Virabhadrasana)
August 11 Side Angle Pose (Utthita Parsvakonasana)
August 16 Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)
August 18 Locust Pose (Salabhasana)
August 23 Bridge Pose (Setubandha Sarvangasana)
August 25 Reclining Hand to Big Toe Pose I & II (Supta Padangustasana I & II)
August 30 Revolved Triangle Pose (Parivritta Trikonasana)

Gentle Strength
(July 2022)

July 3, Sunday- Practical Applications: Strength in Everyday Activities Part 2
July 7, Thursday- Twist Your Torso for Better Breathing
July 10, Sunday- Fingers, Hands, Arms
July 14, Thursday with Tammy- Shoulders & Neck: Safety through Awareness of Surroundings
July 17, Sunday- Strong Legs for Lifelong Mobility
July 21, Thursday- Toes, Feet, Ankles, Shins
July 24, Sunday- Posture Reassessment
July 28, Thursday- Core Strength
July 31, Thursday- Strengthen Your Heart

Gentle Strength
(June 2022)

June 2 Thursday Pelvic Floor Awareness: the Power of a Strong Foundation
June 5 Sunday The Power of Posture: Root to Rise
June 9 Thursday- no class
June 12 Sunday- no class
June 16 Thursday Balance & Movement: Connect to Earth to Explore the Sky
June 19 Sunday Safe Neck Turns
June 23 Touching Your Toes- Options and Benefits for the Journey
June 26 Sunday- no class
June 30 Thursday Practical Applications: Strength in Everyday Activities

Gentle Strength
(May 2022)

May 8 The Power of Posture: Activation Through Exhalation
May 12 Get Your Head on Straight: Strength and Stability for Neck and Shoulders
May 15 Upright but Not Uptight: Glutes and Psoas
May 19 Twist without Shouting: Safe Rotations for a Healthy Spine
May 22 Get a Grip: Fingers, Hands, Arms
May 26 A Stable Foundation: Feet & Calves
May 29 At the Center of it All: Core Strength

More Gentle Yoga Classes

nadi shodhana breathing practice

Daily 8:00-8:40am Eastern

Breath Practice Chair Yoga
Change Your Life

yoga nidra

Thurs 5:00-6:00pm Eastern

Yoga Nidra
Deeply Rest