Gentle Yogis - an Active Online Community

We welcome beginners, experienced yoga students and yoga teachers. We are a warm and open community, committed to making the benefits of yoga accessible. Our classes are meditative, breath-focused, slow, and gentle.

Gentle Yogis offers:

Live Classes on Zoom & Recorded Classes Anytime

  • Breath Practice Chair Yoga class every morning 
  • Gentle Yoga classes — two or three a week in the afternoon
  • Periodic live special Immersion classes on selected Saturday afternoons
  • MELT Method® classes for those interested in Hands-Off Bodywork, a wonderful compliment to the practice of yoga 

Opportunities to Connect, Learn & Share

I really appreciate the space Rudy and Joyce have both created. I’ve seen nothing like this anywhere else.

Having this daily practice and sense of community from loving people has given me a new outlook on life, forgiveness and expectations.  It just keeps getting better. Thank you from the Heart.

I miss the morning practice on the days when I can’t join in, but I have my earbuds in and I get to listen while going through my householder morning. Just hearing Rudy’s voice keeps the “muscle memory” strong. I especially love hearing the conversation. Fellow students sharing observations and Rudy answering queries with such thoughtfulness. It’s a pleasure.