On Saturday evening, March 20, 2021, more than 90 Gentle Yogis gathered on Zoom to celebrate, having survived a very hard year…apart…together…and being better for it.  We enjoyed an hour of amazing and varied talent, presented rather professionally on Zoom, with great transitions by our Emcee, sang “Happy Breath-Day” to ourselves, blew out candles and chuckled over each other’s creative party hats.  Then, as we do each morning after the daily practice, we opened the virtual floor for sharing.  Gratitude flowed forth, not just about the evening, but about what the practice community has offered. We hope these words may inspire you to join us

I’m new to the group. But this party has been an amazing celebration. Knowing I can get up in the morning and see you and hear you feel your compassion and kindness and to breathe deeply and gently with each and every one of you means the world to me. So, thank you so much.”

Something magical has been created through this community, this anchor. A deep and spacious place for us to be, together.”

“We have grown to be a family….whether we have been together all year or one day. A magnificent mosaic of caring human beings with the breath practice (pranayama) and love being our grout, our cement.”

“That was a party I will never forget. The beautiful feeling that was created along the way from lightness and humor to deep soulful connection, the boys playing their horns, the dancing, the poems and the singing, tonight was just special, wonderful, and touched our hearts. It also seems special that today’s the equinox, a new beginning on the way.”

So much has been created in this online community. A haven. A space for gathering, breathing and sharing. A yogi family, on a great journey, discovering dedication to daily practice. Grounded in the body and uplifted by the breath, Slowly but surely, nervous systems resetting, a beacon, guiding us to our own selves’ healing powers.”

“We found refuge where support, encouragement and compassion are ever present. Appreciating the meaning of return to the breath. The simple, yet profound wisdom of breath when faced with life’s challenges.”

“2020 hit, pulling the rug out from under all of us. I somehow forgot the breath. Unable to settle into my usual yoga practices. Numerous attempts. All unsuccessful. Then one day I reached out in a different way. And, bam! There was my life line! Thrown to me from the internet. There, live! My dear friend showing me how to return to the breath.

No small feat to have held steady this year.  I hear you say STEADY ON through my day.” 

It’s a new day! rings out and I look forward to the day and the opportunity of a fresh start. And no matter what happens, I have learned I can return to the breath. The anchor is always there.”

Our hearts are full,

Rudy and Joyce

Photo of a selected print ©Eisen2021 from Set 2 of the Daily pOeMs Fine Art Print Collections available in the Gentle Yogis shop.

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